Saturday, November 8, 2008

October was Safety Month

Each year The Clubhouse Child Care Center in Derry, devotes the month of October to Safety. Several activities are planned through out the month including visits from the Derry Police Department and a trip to the Derry Fire Station for the Preschool and Kindergarten class. The Derry Fire Fighters also bring a fire truck to the school for the two and three year old children to enjoy.

At the fire station, the children sat together while the fire fighters discussed fire safety, fire drills and having a safety plan in place both at school and at home. Afterwards, the children toured the station. They were able to sit inside the ambulance and the fire truck. Since many children are afraid of the fire fighters when they are in their fire suits, Miss Bonnie and Miss Shawna dressed in the suits while the children watched. It was then stressed that it was only their teachers inside the suits and it wasn’t a monster. Therefore, if they are ever in a situation where a fire fighter was going in to rescue them, they shouldn’t be afraid of the suit because a fire fighter is inside the suit and is there to help them. All the children received a fire helmet to take with them.

Officer Daniel Komenda also visited the children at The Clubhouse to discuss Halloween Safety. He told the children that wearing face paint instead of a mask would allow them to see better. He told everyone to watch out for traffic and to always carry a flashlight. Officer Komenda also reminded children to use extra caution around animals as the pets may not recognize the child and become frightened. When he left everyone received written safety tips and reflective tabs.

The Clubhouse parents, children and staff are grateful to our community helpers for taking the time to teach the children such valuable lessons in life.

Monika Farrington, Director

The Clubhouse Child Care Center

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