Thursday, October 23, 2008

Exchange Students from China visit the Derry Fire Department, IAFF Local 4392

The China Exchange program began at Pinkerton Academy in 2004. We believe that China is going to have a major impact on our students lives and that the best way to educate students is to have an exchange program.

Not only does the program affect the students who actually travel to China but also their families, the entire school and as you found out with their visit, the local area as well. We have a sister school arrangement with Tanggu No. 1 School in Tianjin China. Tianjin is a city of 11 million people and is the major port city near Beijing. The program has been a huge success and has grown every year.

We send a group of Pinkerton Academy students over to China each April and they attend school for a week at our sister school, staying with Chinese host families, then they tour Beijing seeing the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Ti ananmen Square, Summer palace, the Great Wall and other sites; they also visit the city of Xian and see the TerraCotta Warrior museum and sights there.

Each fall our sister school sends a group of students here to Pinkerton Academy for a week where they go to our school and live with host families here. This years group was the largest so far with 16 students and two administrators and two teachers. In fact this recent group was the fourth Chinese exchange group to visit your Firestation and it is always a big hit with the Chinese. They usually do not have the opportunity to visit their fire stations like we do in America.

Lieutenant Ryan Ridley, with his daughter Meredith was a host student and his family had a young lady by the name of Wei Yue stay with them.

While here they visited Pinkerton Academy, the Derry Fire Department and the Derry Village Rotary. They met the Governor and toured the State house in Concord, visited the White Mountains, took the Cannon Mountain Tram and they also toured Boston and visited Harvard and MIT. The exchange students saw and did a lot while in our community. After the finished in New England they left for a tour of NYC, Philadelphia, Niagara Falls and Washington

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